A Blessing or a Curse?

In Paris, sometimes it’s possible to find three bakeries on a single block–they’re omnipresent. When I rented my apartment, I was delighted to find one just around the corner sharing the same courtyard as me. Living near a boulangerie has it’s advantages: five flavors of tarts at your fingertips, plus pain du chocolate always present […]

Some Things Change, Some Stay the Same

It is formidable to be back in Paris! Here are some changes I’ve noticed since my last visit:

Love locks: there are even more love locks than a year ago, they are spreading like kudzu, you can feel the poor ponts groan beneath the weight. Paris government is cracking down by removing tons of […]

Dinner Chez Moi

In Paris, the strawberries are the strawberriest, marvels of sweet red architecture, they melt in your mouth. Tonight, after a busy day, dinner is fromager from the local fromagerie, strawberries from the market across the street, jambon, and a cold Sancerre, plus a great book, The Rocks. Salut!
