My manicurist said: “I never have a problem packing. I put all my clothes in the suitcase and always have plenty of room but that’s where the trouble starts. I grab that jacket, another pair of shoes, and before you know it I can’t zip it.â€
Well, that is not me. I created my color story—a trick my world-traveler friend taught me. You pick three colors (your color story) and every thing you bring needs to be in that palette. I’m going with turquoise, black, and white which sounds either old ladyish, or, if you use your imagination, you can picture a hip paisley print.
But then I had dinner with my e-husband who asked if I’d packed a light rain coat. Nope, hadn’t thought of that but probably a good idea. In fact I might need an umbrella too. Maybe my Patagonia black fleece for the plane. And what about those sneakers.
I know in a previous post I said “do not bring sneakers to Paris.†But it specifically said sneakers. Specifically white sneakers. Have you limped through cobblestone streets in cute sandals with blisters on your feet? I’m picturing my red Soloman running shoes which are not sneakers. I can picture them comforting my feet as I log mile after mile on the streets of Paris. So I made a snap judgement—instead of wearing my cute black flats on the airplane, I’m proudly going to wear my red shoes. They are barely noticeable under my jeans I reasoned. Plus I will go immediately to the apartment and change shoes. But this way I’ll have them in Paris in case I need them. (my flats are now zipped in my suitcase.)

my red shoes--practical not fashionable
I was frantically zipping my additional items into my suitcase at 6:00 a.m. before leaving for the airport. When I arrived at the airport I saw that the Northwest flight to Chicago had already left! MY HEART WAS POUNDING. I asked if I could cut the line to find out why, when I called to confirm my flight, I was told it was leaving at 9:00 a.m.! “”It is leaving at 9:00 a.m., ma’am,” the Northwest attendant said looking at my reservation. “Your flight is to Minneapolis NOT Chicago.
Right. That was where my e-husband is connecting. Not me. We are both using miles and flying separately—to meet up at Charles De Gaulle at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday.) So even though my flight didn’t’ leave until 9:00 a.m., people were not mad that I cut in line–I think they felt sorry for me because they thought I was crazy.

Fabrifoam bunion sling
Once my heart stopped pounding, I boarded the and started reading SkyMall and I saw a photo of toeless socks, for people with “hammertoe, bunions and sore feet.†Smugly I gazed at my red shoes.